Catch-light has added a photo to the pool:

Danny woke up this morning with one thing on his mind. Today he was gonna head out fishing before the summer ended. So he packed a cooler with 12 redbulls,1organic tomato, his favorite yellow rain coat and some rice cakes. Then headed out the door only to realize that all 4 tires on his car had been slashed(dam kids), and the first thing Danny thought was "Now How am i gonna go fishin" So Danny sat in his driveway looking at his car,all the tires deflated and then it came to him.--Basement stick in a bowl goldfish adventure! Its amazing the oddest of things excited Danny and there was no way and i mean no way he was missing his day of fishing.--Danny said it really wasnt just about fishing he just loved the mindset of the whole adventure, So there he sat eating rice cakes, pounding redbull and having his old traditional day on the water(well kinda) with a smoke in mouth hoping to catch anything other then those weird stares from his dog. Danny didn't catch anything this year (as you can see hes fishing into a bowl with a ribbon tied to a twig, so that brought his odds down)but like he said that really wasnt the point --all tho after drinking those 12 redbulls in a row he blacked out for an hour and woke up under a tree in the back yard... thats what i call a day of fishing...
Sb-800 in bowl 1/64th power (zoomed24)
Sb00 1/16th power Justin Clamp 175 to the ceiling above me (zoomed105)
Sb-600 1/64 power camera back right (zoomed105)
As flashes were fired via nikon cls on self timer