Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Daniel Poore's Holden VL Calais 'VLOCTY' - 4

HoskingIndustries has added a photo to the pool:

Daniel Poore's Holden VL Calais 'VLOCTY' - 4

It's been a while since we had a feature shoot in Street Commodores, but our shoot on Daniel Poore's awesome Holden VL Calais turbo is finally coming out in issue 195 of the magazine, on-sale shortly. Hosking Industries wrote the feature, too, and we'd love you all to pick up a copy when it goes on sale.

Daniel's VL, known as VLOCTY, has been through a pretty arduous gestation with engine dramas; but it's come a long way from its beginnings as a fairly messy old daily. It's now powered by a big horsepowerRB26/30 turbo hybrid engine that looks as good as it goes. Inside, Eastside Kustoms in Newcastle did an amazing job transforming the interior with black suede.

As always, we've got a series of images available as FREE desktop wallpapers and the strobist fans can check out the lighting setups on our Flickr page too.

Strobist: two bare 430EXIIs on stands, lighting the side. Another 580EXII lighting the rear, all on full power. Triggered by Cactus V4s. The red light painting was achieved with a home-made 1x2in timber light sabre contraption with a multi-function LED strip on it, made up of 50-something SMD LEDs that can strobe in different patterns.

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1 comment:

  1. I like this car. It is very compact and flexible. Its color and design is super and attractive.
    Holden For Sale
