Tuesday, July 31, 2012

TV Poster

Tyson Jay has added a photo to the pool:

TV Poster

Sunpak 433d in 28" softbox @ 1/4 camera left front
SB-800 @ 1/8 fired into white foamcore camera right rear
White foamcore as fill in front and sides
Triggered via RF-602's

I went to the movies the other day and during the previews I saw a trailer advertising for a new TV drama series called The Mob Doctor. I could care less what the show is about since I try not to watch much television but what caught my attention was an image similar to the one above promoting the show. I thought it was clever so I decided to try and duplicate it. This was my first attempt at creating a TV ad/poster. In my day to day usage of Photoshop I probably only use $100 worth of the software so I tried to push it to $150 worth of usage in this shot.

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