Friday, July 6, 2012

Hasselblad 501CM & Carl Zeiss 80mm f/2.8 T*

tyler hayward has added a photo to the pool:

Hasselblad 501CM & Carl Zeiss 80mm f/2.8 T*

+1 in the comments!

Here's the last of the eye candy to end off the week :)

I love the chrome on this classy.

The standard lens that usually comes kitted with a Hasselblad (or most medium format cameras for that matter) is the 80mm f/2.8. It's the 50mm f/1.8 of the 120 world. It's sharp, no notable distortion and can shoot just about anything. f/2.8 some of you might be wondering to yourselves is kinda 'ehhhh' in terms of light gathering and bokeh appeal if you will, but f/2.8 is quite fast for the medium format system, the fastest lens in all of 120 ville is the Mamiya
80mm f/1.9 followed by the 80mm f/2 for Contax 645 and The 110 f/2 for the Hasselblad F bodies. There's no 0.95 or 1.2 to be had, however, think of medium format in terms of the way you think about the smaller formats like micro 4/3rds vs aps-c vs full frame. The same rules apply here, so since the negative from a medium format is many times the size of a full frame negative, f/2.8 produces very shallow depth of field results and this is also why "80mm" on medium format is equivalent to "50ish" meters on're dividing instead of multiplying.

Just a quick gloss over medium format not being all too technical, but I hope that helps some people out if they're not familiar with the format :)

In terms of the lens, the 80mm comes in many different flavours if you will. The standard C, CF, CB, CFE and let me know if I'm missing any haha. There are a few differences between all of them cosmetically/optically but they all function and shoot the same. The CB lens I have here was actually the 'budget' version of the CF lens because Hasselblad and budget version go o so well together :P It's made of some nice plastic and rubber instead of metal like the CF version and has one less element (5 instead of 6) if I remember correctly. Personally, I love it since the focus is buttery smooth, it's light and has great ergonomics and you'd be hard pressed to find a difference in image quality between them.

//end camera geek rant

Enjoy your weekend and get out and shoot! :D

Happy Friday everyone!

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