Thursday, December 29, 2011

Eyes that can...

RBPphotography has added a photo to the pool:

Eyes that can...

From a shoot I had done sometime back for the ever charming and lovely Ana. She happens to be a School teacher at one of the International Schools in Hyd, teaches English.

Thank you Ana for the lovely opportunity for a fun and creative shoot.

I dedicate this image to my dearest friend Arina without whom this shoot wouldn't have been possible.
Strobist Info:

2 YN560s through a Westcott 26" Apollo @ camera left

1 YN560 Bare headed behind the model firing at the background. The flash was fixed with a DIY Gobo( lesser extensions) to give a smooth gradation from HIGH key white to a more normal white BG upwards..

A white reflector was used on camera Right for some fill in.

Hope u Guys like it. Wish u all a Happy and Prosperous New year in Advance.. God Bless!

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