Thursday, December 29, 2011

106/365 - Creative Inspiration

eha1990 has added a photo to the pool:

106/365 - Creative Inspiration

© 2011 Eric Adeleye Photography. (Press "L" for a larger view of the photograph)

I got the idea for this shot from fellow photographer and friend, Troy Hood Images. Troy did a night shoot with a reflective umbrella and I knew that I had to give it a try too at some point. Tonight was as good a time as any. I had gotten off of work at around 5:30pm and it was dark outside, so that reduced my options as to who or what I was going to photograph. I had been thinking about this shot for months. It was pretty windy outside which made holding my Westscott 60" umbrella difficult. I like how the shot turned out, this is my favorite of the 38 that I snapped in my yard. During the process of taking the photographs, I started thinking of some new ideas that I'll most likely try out later. I definitely wasn't trying to clone Troy's photograph, but it made me think about trying something I hadn't thought about before. Isn't creative inspiration one of the strengths of Flickr? Flickr motivates the photographer in new and creative directions that cause the photographer to innovate. I'll be the first to say that I don't really care to duplicate the works of others. I do like trying to figure out the anatomy of how a photographer shot and lit a subject though. When I see a photograph that I like or catches my eye, I'm trying to reverse engineer how the photograph was taken. Yeah, that may be crazy, but it is one of the ways of how I learn to shoot better. So be patient if I ask you a few questions in the comments section of your photograph. I'm asking questions because I like what I see, and desire to learn a little bit more about photography which has no boundaries when it comes to what you can learn. I'll throw a critique in every now and then, because I think it is healthy to get honest feedback from other photographers too. When you see one of my photographs, I want to hear about what you like or dislike about my photograph. How would you have shot or lit my subject? Maybe you would have your used your Elinchrom Quadras instead of the SB-700 that I have. If you have something to say that may make my next photograph even better, please don't hold back. I'm striving for perfection with my Precious (my D200's name).

One point I wanted to hit on tonight before I go, is the importance of trial and error. As a photographer, you can't be afraid to fail. Keep shooting, take what you read, or what is told to you, and go out into the wild and apply it. Work through a light problem. Challenge yourself to only use one flash on a subject and see what happens. Stepping out of the box has benefited me greatly. Starting the Project 365 and later starting a 100 Strangers project have both helped me as a photographer, artist, and person. Breaking out of my comfort zone, especially with the 100 Strangers has been a good thing. In my opinion, a photographer needs to be able to socialize and interact with their subject on some level beyond turn this way, or raise your chin, or can you turn your torso to the left a little bit.

I've ranted enough for tonight. Thanks for tuning it. See you tomorrow at the same time and place!

P.S. I really do enjoy working with shadows which are intentional in this photograph, LOL!

Nikon D200
ISO 100
AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G
Aperture f/5.0
Shutter 1/8sec
SB-700 1/4 power up inside Westscott 60" umbrella
3 Yongnuo RF-603 triggers used this shot (one on camera, one on flash, and one used as wireless shutter release)

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